April 30, 2021 | 29 min
Episode 2: Should I Get the Covid Vaccine?
Confused or worried about whether the COVID vaccine is for you? Look no further! Welcome to episode 2 of Radical Resilience. Hosts Susanna Barkataki and Dr. Neelam Pathikonda discuss all things COVID vaccine...
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Confused or worried about whether the COVID vaccine is for you? Look no further! Welcome to episode 2 of Radical Resilience. Hosts Susanna Barkataki and Dr. Neelam Pathikonda discuss all things COVID vaccine. In a 30-minute roleplay episode, Dr. Neelam Pathikonda will answer all her patient’s (Susanna Barkataki) questions and concerns facing the newly released vaccine. She will then explain the importance of the vaccine for our communities, and together, the hosts will discuss racism and health disparities in western medicine.
Listeners can find answers to these commonly asked questions:
Is the vaccine rushed?
But I am healthy so why do I need the vaccine?
Are there harmful substances in the vaccine?
Is the government trying to control us?
Will it impact my fertility?
How effective is it?
Please tune into episode 2 of Radical Resilience: Should I get the COVID Vaccine? For an educational and safe conversation regarding one of today’s most controversial topics. It is important now more than ever that we spread education throughout our communities because we are all in this together.
Medical Disclaimer:
We want to remind you that any yoga wellness or health advice presented is not meant to replace the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare professional always seek competent medical care.
“We don’t need chips in the vaccine when we all have our phones” (9:55-10:00).
“There is a risk of doing nothing” (10:44-10:46)
“Human history has been a history of infectious disease” (16:46-16:49)
“White folks are being vaccinated at a rate that is 3x higher than communities of color” (21:53-21:58)
Please link to www.ignitebewell.com/radicalresilience for Stress Reducing Meditation and Tips for Radical Resilience in #COVIDLIFE. Please review and subscribe. To your radical resilience!